Monday, January 16, 2017

Play everywhere, play everyone

 Think of Boredom Busters   as a  recreation store offering thousands of aisles to wander through.

Take a moment to think, what recreation activities are you interested in?

 If you are interested in...

 ...Sports?wander the

... Games? wander the

... Toys? wander the

Hobbies? wander the

Arts? Wander the

Entertainment? wander the

Crafts? Wander the

Music? Wander the

generally apps are categorized by type of activity(football, sweing etc) . In this aisle you'll find apps categorized by feelings(happy, outrageous etc)

((Antiques, Animals, Beauty, Chat, Collecting, Comic Books, Dance, Food, Gardening, Literary, Making things, Mystic, Performing Arts, Photography, Stickers, Visual arts)

contact wtgichelsea - at-